Legislative Action
All committee chairs shall submit a written report of committee activities to the Vice President no later than thirty (30) days before a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. Committee Chair reports should detail committee activities since the previous report. This includes, but is not limited to, any changes in committee structure and progress on committee projects. In the event there is no action, the chair should submit a report stating there is no activity. In certain circumstances the committee chair may be asked to submit additional reports to the Board. If the committee is involved in a special project, the Board may request an up date in order to track the progress of the project. Special reports shall be submitted to the Vice President.
Committees shall give, when requested, an oral report of committee activities at regularly scheduled meetings of the Board and membership.
The Board shall provide the committees with adequate resources, both financial and other, to facilitate the fulfillment of the goals of the committee. The Board shall be concerned only with the outcome of the committee work, so far as it is completed in a prudent manner that conforms to the policies and procedures of the Association.
The committees shall strive to accomplish the goals of the committee. The committees shall provide for high quality outcomes from the programs of the committee. The Board desires the committees to be proactive and innovative in their approach to solving problems and reaching their goals.
Each committee member holds responsibility for the proper functioning of the committee.
The committee chair shall coordinate the activities of the committee to fulfill the goals of the committee.
Responsibilities of the Legislative Committee
Keep the membership informed of the Legislative issues in Utah
Legislative Committee Members
Chairperson - Valerie Herzog, Email: valerieherzog@weber.edu
Members - Sean Wayne, Matt Donahue, Brian Coles, Hailey Rushton, Justin Decker, Alysia Cohen, Rachel Genther, Trevor Jameson, Peter Neibert, Blake Johnson