Hall of Fame
Criteria for Nomination
Nominees must meet the following requirements, unless exempted by special considerations (see below):
- Member in good standing of the UATA for a minimum of 15 years
- Member in good standing of the NATA for a minimum of 20 years
- NATABOC certified athletic trainer
- Must have served on an UATA committee or BOD
- Three letters of recommendation
A UATA athletic trainer who has met the 15 year requirement, but has not served on the BOD, or on a committee, may be considered if he/she has given obvious outstanding service to the UATA in other ways AND they maintain BOC athletic training certification.
The UATA Honors and Awards Committee will serve as the selection committee for this award. Each year the chairperson will collect all applications by the specified date. A reasonable attempt will be made to ensure diversity within the selection committee made.
- Application will be available for download by UATA members in good standing.
- Application should be submitted with a letter of recommendation by the nominator, and two other letters of recommendation by UATA members to the Honors and Awards chairperson. It must be postmarked by April 1 for consideration for that year’s induction. This deadline may be extended in extenuating circumstances, with Board approval. Additional recommendations (i.e. physicians, Athletic Directors, administrators) may be submitted.
- The chairperson will check to make sure the nominee meets the criteria for consideration. If he/she meets the criteria, the chairperson will forward the application to the committee members.
- The committee members will rate the nominees on a point system, the highest qualifying vote receiver (s) will be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
- If no nominee receives the minimum points for induction, or no qualifying nominations are received, then no nominee will be inducted that year.
- The ballot package will include the letters of recommendation, application, voting sheet, and other information forwarded by the chairperson.
- Each of the committee members will vote and return the ballots by May 1.
- Each voting member will rate the nominees on a scale of 5 to 1:
- 5 = feel strongly candidate should be inducted,
- 4 = recommend induction,
- 3 = recommend induction, some reservation,
- 2 = do not strongly recommend induction,
- 1 = do not recommend induction.
The chairperson will total the votes from all voting members. An average score of 3.5 or higher is required for induction.
The candidate chosen for induction will be notified and presented with the award at the next UATA General Membership meeting.